Read Online Crushing on the Billionaire An Office Romance The Billionaire Reluctant Bride Book 2 edition by Jennifer Griffith Cynthia Savage Religion Spirituality eBooks

By Wanda Tyler on Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Read Online Crushing on the Billionaire An Office Romance The Billionaire Reluctant Bride Book 2 edition by Jennifer Griffith Cynthia Savage Religion Spirituality eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 2318 KB
  • Print Length 237 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date March 12, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Crushing on the Billionaire An Office Romance The Billionaire Reluctant Bride Book 2 edition by Jennifer Griffith Cynthia Savage Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews

  • Funny, breezy, and romantic, this is a perfect specimen of a billionaire romance with fun twists. The heroine is spirited, witty, likable. The hero is strong, vulnerable, brilliant, and swoony. This is another must-read by Jennifer Griffith!
  • Another fun and entertaining read by Jennifer Griffith. Find the little reference to her "Big in Japan" book. A delightful escape and just what I needed - sunny Southern California beaches - during this winter that won't end (in my part of the world).
  • This book kept me riveted to the very end. Jennifer is such an awesome writer and really does her research on different things that she writes about in her books
  • I get tired of billionaire books - however, this one was different! It didn't focus on money/popularity or even looks as much as it focused on the true characteristics of people. Fun dates and moments - Jennifer Griffith can always get me to laugh out loud when I read her books!
    As for the characters I loved Tatum (heroine)! She was real. I am often critical of the heroine because I want to know WHY the boy falls in love with her, but this book was really good at giving Tatum a real personality and just being a good person all around. She is loyal and good with people and Brooks kept picking up on all her great characteristics and wanting them for his future wife - it showed that he loved her for WHO she was, not just looks.
    As for Brooks - I love that it focused on his brains and hard work! He is a good person too, and respected and treated Tatum well!
    I also loved learning more about the business side and stocks/ownership.
  • Can I start by saying how much I love Jennifer Griffith's humor. I think I say that in most of my reviews for her books. But hey, it's the truth! It's one of the reasons that I'm drawn to her books. Plus, if you haven't yet, I highly recommend subscribing to her newsletters. Oh. My. Word!!!! She is funny, all y'all! Seriously funny! When I get her newsletter in my inbox, I just smile and know that she's gonna have something fun that will lighten my mood and bring a big ol' smile to my day. So, pause in reading this review and go search for her so you can subscribe and have some fun messages awaiting you in your inbox. Seriously now! Go! Sign up! Oh, and don't forget that you have to read the ENTIRE email. Especially the very end where it says who Jennifer is. She changes that section every email and it cracks me up!

    Jennifer Griffith...thanks for all the great laughs and for sharing a bit of your fun/crazy/hard moments. They're inspiring and enlightening and lightening. This reader is a fan!

    Ok, now back to my book review. You've probably already the synopsis so I don't really need to tell you what the book is about...if you haven't here ya go. Boss, employee, needs matchmaker. Employee sets boss up and is crushing on him herself. Ta dah! Synopsis catch up complete!

    So, Tatum is employee extraordinaire and her boss needs her to find him a wife pronto to save his company. Can I just say the humor that Tatum exudes keeps this book fun and fluffy. Plus, I can't complain about the chemistry that is happening between Tatum and Dawson. Sparks and Fireworks for sure!

    Marriage of Convenience stories are another favorite of mine and I think Jennifer Griffith really nailed it in this story. If you're looking for that type of story to read right now, don't wait. Grab this one and get sucked into the humor and fun and suspense of Tatum and Dawson's escapades.

    Content Clean.

    I received a copy from the author. All thoughts and opinions in the review are my own.

    Happy Reading!!!
  • This is the second book in this series by Jennifer Griffith and Cynthia Savage (she wrote the first book). Ms. Griffith writes a fun, romantic story about a couple, Tatum and Dawson. Dawson is a divorced CEO of a company he built from the ground up. His goal is to complete the medical advancement he is working on so that many people will benefit from his company’s latest discovery. However, he discovers that someone is trying to take over his company through a hostile takeover. There is one way for Dawson to save his company, but he needs a wife to do it. The one person Dawson trusts is his secretary, Tatum. Tatum would do anything for her boss. When he “fires” her to hire her privately to find him a wife, she is willing to do anything to help her boss. She strives to find someone compatible, but not after his money. She sets him up on several dates, but as she is working on possibilities, Dawson and Tatum began to learn more about each other. They spend a lot of time together and build their relationship as well. Will Tatum tell Dawson that she is the most compatible choice? Will Dawson realize what he has before it is too late? Can they save the company from a hostile takeover? Read this latest release from Jennifer Griffith to find out. This is a fun, romantic story that was interesting and upbeat! I highly recommend this book and her other books as well!
    ***I was given a free electronic copy of this book from the author for an honest review. This is my honest opinion. Even though I received this copy free, I have purchased her books before.