Read When a Duchess Says I Do Rogues to Riches Book 2 edition by Grace Burrowes Literature Fiction eBooks

By Wanda Tyler on Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Read When a Duchess Says I Do Rogues to Riches Book 2 edition by Grace Burrowes Literature Fiction eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 831 KB
  • Print Length 385 pages
  • Publisher Forever (April 2, 2019)
  • Publication Date April 2, 2019
  • Sold by Hachette Book Group
  • Language English
  • ASIN B07G74HZB3

When a Duchess Says I Do Rogues to Riches Book 2 edition by Grace Burrowes Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

  • I could not get past the 50% mark because I was just not interested in any of the characters or plot. The heroines plight is unbelievable and the hero was “nice” to the point of boredom.
  • What an intriguing and interesting tale. Duncan and Matilda meet under unusual circumstances. She is on the run trying to protect her father from treason. Duncan offers her a job translating his travelogues. The conversations they have are charming. The plot twists and turns intriguing. Thoroughly enjoyed this book!
  • An alternative title for this book could be “The Things We Do for Love. “. The titular duchess has fled her home in the hope of protecting her father from possible charges of treason, while Duncan Wentworth, sober, reliable and scholastically inclined, has quit London to resuscitate an estate at the request of his cousin, the duke. The two find each other, build esteem for one another and discover what making a home and love are. This is a lovely, engrossing read with characters that the reader enjoys meeting and coming to know. Add to that family quirks and some intrigue, and you have a very good read. Highly recommended.
  • I can’t remember what the first book was that I read by Ms. Burrows. I just knew I had found another “MustBuy” author. Her books have interesting characters, intriguing plots and are so well written.

    This novel has misdirections, misconceptions with twists and turns. Our heroine is a young, widowed Duchess, who is running away from her father’s house, barely surviving as she has to keep hidden. She interrupts a robbery of a gentleman, and helps him chase off the robbers. He insists she stay the night at his home. He is in the midst of trying to write a book, and needs a secretary. They come to an agreement that she will assist him with his memoirs and he will give her shelter and payment for her assistance. Their relationship develops as respect, attraction and their mutual interests bring them close. But all is not well, as the forces that made her flee, are still looking for her and threaten not only their love, but many lives, as well.
  • After a really good beginning this book faltered and took a slow, slow, slow descent into boredom. It had so much filler, which did not add anything to the story. The plot was buried so deep it was lost.
  • This book is really a joy to read with words and expressions that fit the period and descriptions that fill your mind with pictures of the people involved!
    The story line is great, the hero and heroine fit so perfectly together personality wise. The heroine is in great danger and completely out of options and she finds the hero who is a calm, solid man who analyses problems and people so very well that he is a great calming influence to the heroine! HE has personal tragedy to over come but has finally found someone he trusts and the feeling is mutual.
    Watching these two people gradually "see" each other as their true soul-mates and over-come the intrigue is really a joy after so many novels written in sloppy modern language and with sloppy plots. I'm ever so glad to read a book by one of the master story tellers! ENJOY---I did!
  • While I always like Ms. Burrowes' books, I'm very much enjoying this series with the Wentworth family. They are just quirky enough to make them all interesting in somewhat unusual ways for historical romances.
    Duncan, the cousin and erstwhile tutor, has been sent by the Duke to fix up an estate when he comes across some poachers. When Matilda shows up with a pistol to save him, he takes her home and offers her a job since she obviously needs shelter. This sets up a very satisfactory romance and a great spy story. I couldn't figure out who was spying on who which always is what you want in a mystery. The ending was perfect, and I can't wait for the next book in the series.
  • There are plenty of sleezy characters about that enhance the charming Duncan. Matilda choses to trust and finds a champion for life, like we all wish for. Grace's writing and characters never disappoint, not since I met them first in her novel 'The Soldier'. A great afternoon's entertainment.